Lehman Brothers Inc. stuft BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORP auf overweight (wallstreet:online AG)
New York (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Börsenanalysten von Lehman Brothers stufen die Aktie des US-amerikanischen Unternehmens Boston Scientific (ISIN US1011371077/ WKN 884113) mit "overweight" ein.
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American Family Physician - Management of type 2 diabetes in youth: an update
September 1, 2007 -- Although type 1 diabetes historically has been more common in patients eight to 19 years of age, type 2 diabetes is emerging as an important disease ...
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Nutrition Action Healthletter - How extra pounds boost your risk
September 1, 2007 -- Why worry about XXL size pants? According to a 2006 survey by the American Cancer Society, 83 percent of Americans know that extra flab boosts their ...
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Diabetes and Primary Care - Happy anniversary, metformin!
September 22, 2007 -- 2007 is the 50th Anniversary of the launch of metformin in Europe (Campbell et al, 1996). This article reviews its progress from humble beginnings to ...
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General Mills "overweight," target price raised (New Ratings)
NEW YORK, September 20 (newratings.com) - Analyst Andrew Lazar of Lehman Brothers maintains his "overweight" rating on General Mills Inc ( GIS.NYS ). The target price has been raised from $64 to $66.
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Boston Scientific overweight (Finanzen.net)
New York (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Börsenanalysten von Lehman Brothers stufen die Aktie des US-amerikanischen Unternehmens Boston Scientific (ISIN US1011371077/ WKN 884113) mit "overweight" ein. Die Analysten hätten an dem Treffen der "Heart Failure ...
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Better Nutrition - Do you have PCOS? Could your irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, acne, and excess facial hair be caused by Polycystic Ovary Syndrome ? Doctors are
September 1, 2007 -- Jenny had been overweight and had suffered from irregular menstrual periods, excessive facial hair, and acne most of her life. She didn't know exactly ...
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Better Nutrition - Nothing fishy about supplementing your workout
September 1, 2007 -- TAKING FISH OIL while regularly working out may be a good bet for reducing body fat and improving cardiovascular health, according to research from the ...
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ShoreTel Climbs on 'Overweight' Rating (AP via Yahoo! Finance)
Shares of telecommunications company ShoreTel Inc. rose to a high Thursday after a JPMorgan analyst initiated coverage with an "Overweight" rating, saying the company's easy-to-use technology could help to expand its client base.
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American Family Physician - Type 2 diabetes in youth: what you should know
September 1, 2007 -- What is type 2 diabetes? Diabetes is when your body cannot control the amount of sugar in your blood (blood sugar). Usually, a hormone called insulin ...
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